Self Promotion

Thread Count 37

I came into this week feeling completely burnt out, fully expecting to take the week off from this newsletter. Because how could I possibly convey a valuable message when I can’t even begin to crack my overwhelming to-do-list?

And truthfully, the subscriber numbers have been painfully stagnant for over a month now, but if I look in the mirror, it’s because I’ve done very little to promote this thing.

But if these weekly reminders help even one of you on your path, then I’m doing something, and it’s important for all of us to remember that when we downplay our limited reach in our own minds.

So when I woke up this morning, I realized I was missing the point.

If I’m always preaching consistency and perseverance, then how can I drop the ball? I can’t suggest you do what I say, when I don’t deliver on my message. And that’s why it’s so important to push through.

So distractions will always arise, as will exhaustion and a lack of inspiration. But one thing I’ve never been is lazy.

I just don’t want to waste anyone’s time. I realize our attention is a valuable asset these days, which is why I often ask for suggestions on topics for this newsletter. I never want to disappoint.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas Edison

Speaking of hard work, and going the extra mile, every time I post anything suggesting artists create content, there’s a very decisive response. Some agree that being a content creator is part of the job and others argue that the job of being an artist is simply to create art.

Art always comes first. I deplore the fast food, corporate world of pop music. It rushes and simplifies the art, and as a result, the quality is affected. But on the flip side, if you’re proud of your art, and you want people to hear or see it, you need to promote it. Period.

And because there are effective ways of building your community and reaching new fans daily, artists should take advantage. It’s that simple.

Think of content as the new billboard, radio spot, hand to hand flyers, stapling posters to street poles, etc. But building awareness can now come organically, free of charge, at least until you are able to throw money behind your posts. But you should only consider boosting posts after you see a piece of content catch traction, meaning there’s organic interest, and that’s when it becomes beneficial to throw gasoline on the fire.

Consistency is a proven method. And sure, volume is a part of the equation, but volume is nothing without quality. So I’m not suggesting you just add a bunch of noise into an overly polluted world.

Alternatively, my recommendation is to add quality and value to a world that needs it. We pine for it. And if you’re proud of your production, then please share it. You didn’t work so hard for years to just enjoy it by yourself.

Thanks again for all of your support. Much love to all of you.

Til next week.