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Starting Over
Thread Count 17
“Constant elevation causes expansion” - Rakim
In last week’s newsletter, I wrote about the importance of constant growth. The more we achieve, the more dopamine is released, which makes us feel good, and drives us to search for that feeling of elation again and again.
But what happens when we finish a project, and the results are the same as they were the last time around? Now, the same accomplishment we celebrated a year ago is looked at as a failure. But why?
It’s the same reason someone with a multi-million dollar view rarely looks out the window. Because no matter how great things are, many of us begin to take things for granted after having “been there, done that”.
I’ve always been one of those people who couldn’t sit still long enough to master something. When I have a little success, I’m ready to move onto the next challenge, or at the very least add another component to the craft I’m already working on.
I’ve thought about this a lot. Why is it so hard for us to just be content, no matter where we are in life? We know money and material things aren’t the answer, and accolades are just a temporary high, so how do we keep getting back to that elevated feeling in a more sustainable manner?
I think back to the excitement of the first time I did certain things. The first time in a studio, on stage, or on tour. The first time leaving the country. The first time meeting my childhood idols. There was a rush. And the second time was still exciting, but it went downhill from there.
But some people are cool with the mundane. They have no problem staying motivated within one practice, especially if they love what they do.
My partner and I had a recent call with a booking agent of 25 years, who remains motivated to get up and work for 10 hours each and every day. He hits the phones and pounds out countless emails; and the cycle continues.
I respect that type of mentality, but I can’t relate— and I’ve only been doing it for ten years. So we asked how he stayed motivated. The answer was simple. He pretends he’s still broke, and needs to make each and every call in order to pay his bills.
And that goal driven work can be effective, but I personally have other interests calling my name, so money is not going to keep me doing the same task repetitively for the next 15 years. I’m sure many of you feel me on this one.
And because of this unwillingness to sit still, I’ve had to find my own sort of life hack. Knowing I still get a rush every time I learn a new skill or accomplish a new goal, I know I need to consistently tackle new challenges in order to keep manifesting that “first time” feeling. This allows me to find balance and stay interested in the necessary tasks that I can accomplish with my eyes closed.
During the pandemic, I was reminded of the importance of trying new things as they relate to my own creative journey. I wrote about it here in May 2020.
I realized I had been uninspired for years, and was stuck inside a hamster wheel of booking shows and earning a living. And when the world shut down, I was able to pick up a pen and write again… But not like I’d ever written before.
I hit up a long-time creative partner of mine, and we decided to write a screenplay together. And it sucked. Like really bad. But that’s ok, because it was our first time, and the process of writing refilled my creative gas tank, and reminded me who I was at heart— Not a pencil pusher. Not a salesman. Not someone who makes calls and emails all day; but a creative.
And now, three years later, the Universe opened up to us because of our willingness to start over. To study and learn. And to take steps on our own.
It’s unexplainable, but I have always found people are more than willing to help when they see you working hard on your own. And our work on the screenplay caused accredited writers with real stripes to spend significant time pouring over the script, giving us great notes, and volunteering ideas.
So, as we finish up our 20th version of the screenplay, we’re no longer rookies. It’s no longer a new undertaking. But it still gives me the same feeling of excitement as if it’s the first draft, because each version is a drastic improvement. We’re working on our craft and enjoying our process. And now, it’s as if we’ve written 20 screenplays.
So I’m excited for other firsts— Our first conversation with an agent, our first meeting with a studio, our first offer, first time on set shooting our movie, watching the first cut, etc. But if none of that ever happens, I’m in the present, enjoying every minute of this process, instead of looking ahead.
I say all this to say— It’s never too late. You can always start over. You can always take a step back. And you can always try something new.
Don’t fear the unknown, or potential criticism, or failure. Life is too short to waste time overthinking every move or beating yourself up. If you’ve been wanting to do something, take that first step, because I assure you that step is the most difficult.
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‘Til Next Week.